Donna Appel (Sherman) Please Take Off the Blinders & Get Off the Crapper We must get back to a place when someone’s time was valued. Hand thrown earthenware, homemade soaps and lotions, helping farmers grow our food, supporting local merchants, only buying items made here ... Jun 25, 2024
Donna Appel (Sherman) FEAR, The Ultimate Destroyer of America Who is the King of Fear? In my book, it is Stephen King. He has written more than 350 horror novels. I’ve read a few in my early days. Stephen King is known as the “King of Horror”. In an interview he... Jun 25, 2024
Donna Appel (Sherman) Defund the Police?? How's that working out for you, Austin?? Well, I wonder how much more American citizens will take before they get off their butts, attend town meetings and demand different outcomes? If your town counsel won't do anything, if the sheriff doe... Austin TX Police Jun 25, 2024
Donna Appel (Sherman) Twelve States Sound the Alarm: Globalist Banks conspiring with the UN to WIPE OUT U.S. farms and food production Don and I own a farm and we know how difficult it is to keep our heads above water. The corrupt ones are coming after us from all angles. With $20,000 a year property taxes and $3,000 a month energy b... Jun 25, 2024